
A Message of Thanks

During this unprecedented time, amid the coronavirus pandemic, there are a lot of people who have lost their lives, and many others who have lost their jobs. For all those people and their families, we are saddened. And then there are those working for essential businesses, who show up for work every day despite the risk of contracting the virus, so that the rest of us at home can have the things we need. To all those employees, at every level and every type of business, we have gratitude. We especially need to be grateful to all those who work in hospitals, medical centers, urgent care centers and the like, who have effectively thrown themselves into the Covid-19 lion’s den so that the sick can be treated and lives can be saved. And they do this at a tremendous personal risk.

We need to thank them, whenever we can.

As President of Eastern Diagnostic Imaging, I need to do the same for my employees and recognize that they, too, have done some extraordinary things during this crisis.

Covid-19 spikes demand for portable x-ray systems

At the onset of the pneumonia related fatalities due to Covid-19, the demand for portable x-ray systems skyrocketed. Suddenly, everyone not only wanted them, they absolutely needed them as soon as possible. The sooner that symptomatic patients could be imaged, and telltale opacities detected, the sooner treatment could start and better would be the chance of survival. So, EDI employees began working overtime, nights and weekends, to get AMX 4 Plus portable orders completed and shipped to our customers in need. This has been no small feat, especially when considering the current social distancing and enhanced sanitation protocols.

Thanks to our team at EDI!

Fran Rezendes

Fran Rezendes, our Plant Manager, has been tirelessly overseeing all our remanufacturing operations as well as performing installations and service calls to our customers all over New England and beyond.

Matt Gonyea

Our lead service technician for our remanufactured AMX-4 portables, Matt Gonyea, has been critical to that process. He has also been providing critical service for Boston Hospitals, and providing AMX-4 service phone support.

Jeff Pimental

Jeff Pimental, a specialist in OEC C-arms, has been assisting in the remanufacturing of the portables as well, while fielding c-arm service calls from all over the nation.

Adam Gracia

Adam Gracia, who does a little bit of everything for us in the shop, has been making deliveries across the country and setting up the much-needed portables and c-arms. Adam has been delivering systems to wherever they needed to go, including into New York City.

Sergio Lagneau

Our remanufactured systems look like new because of our Sergio Lagneau, who has been working many additional hours to make sure all our systems get painted to perfection and finished on time.

Cassie Pontes

Cassie Pontes, our Controller, has shown up every day to make sure that our orders are processed and organized, our needed systems are purchased and paid for, and she has performed many other critical job functions necessary to keep EDI running smoothly.

Janice DeSimone

Janice DeSimone came to work, day after day, as our receptionist and office manager, until staying home made the most sense. She, and everyone else at EDI, were just a little bit safer that way.

Dan Bond

Sales Manager Dan Bond has been working from home and assisting all our customers through the sales process, day and night, and coordinating the purchasing of much needed equipment as well.

Paul Gonyea

Paul Gonyea, principle and VP of manufacturing has been there and made sure that all the above operations were synchronized and in harmony, conducting the orchestra that we call Eastern Diagnostic Imaging.

I join with Paul in thanking all our employees at EDI for going above and beyond during this difficult time, making sure that facilities across the country are getting the systems they badly need, in a timely manner, and often risking their own health to do so.

We need to thank them, whenever we can.