Pride In Your Work

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Show some pride in your work.

I used to get that pep talk from my dad when he made me do things like scrape the garbage into the garbage pail. There are few jobs more disgusting than that, yet I was expected to approach it with glee. But I suppose he had a point. He just wanted me to show some enthusiasm and pride in my duties. His solemn duty was fishing, hunting, drinking martinis and telling me what to do. And he never once complained.

My orthopedic doctor must have had a dad who provided the same kind of encouragement, since he has always seemed particularly cheery about my broken bones. I went to him some years ago about some continuous shoulder pain I had from falling off a ladder. He determined that I still had a fracture and said with a smile “Don’t worry, we can go in there and remove the distal end of your clavicle and…” blah blah blah. His audible voice drifted away and all I heard in my head was “It would please me and make me full of glee to saw off your collar bone.” I politely declined his offer but I told him that his enthusiasm was appreciated. Now there is a guy with pride in his work.

I have a similar story about my over-enthusiastic gastroenterologist, but I don’t want to talk about it.

And Eastern Diagnostic Imaging? We have the technical expertise, after-sale support, and we consistently provide the best refurbished x-ray equipment in the marketplace. We have many years of experience, and we have the best and most cost-effective solutions for your customers. At EDI we stand behind our equipment and our dealers. Our goal is customer satisfaction. We believe that by doing our job well, we will make your job easier. We have pride in our work.

My dad was right. When you have a job to do, you do it with pleasure. Show some pride in your work! You are going to be on garbage detail at some point in your life, and you better like it.